Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As we look forward to COVID-19 restrictions easing, I again thank you all for your patience and support. Please refer to the update communicated yesterday, Thursday 18 June, regarding our on-going action to protect the health and wellbeing of students, staff and families.


Our continued shift towards digital communication has seen the use of Seesaw for class communication and the sharing of learning become highly embedded. A new update from Seesaw will now enable us to directly communicate whole-school information with families through this platform. With the majority of families connected via Seesaw, we see this as a positive step forward to ensure all families keep up to date with everything that is happening. We will continue to communicate to families via Skoolbag, but use Seesaw to get better coverage and uptake of information. Please keep referring to our new website if you think you have missed any of the weekly updates from leadership and continue to provide feedback regarding how we can best stay in touch!


On Friday of Week 10 you will receive the mid-year report for your child/children. These reports have been significantly impacted by COVID-19, and subsequently, have been reformatted into a one-page summary in collaboration with other schools in our Partnership. As always, our teachers have spent many hours writing these reports, so please take the time to go through them with your children and discuss both their achievements and areas for improvement.

Parent teacher interviews

With the easing of some restrictions from the beginning of Week 10, we will be looking to reschedule parent-teacher interviews in term 3 – hopefully in week 3 (3-7 August). We will confirm these arrangements as soon as possible.

School Uniform Reminder

It is an expectation that school uniforms are worn at all times. While this can occasionally be an issue for students and families, we do have a number of spare uniforms on hand and Robyn in the front office is always available to help with the ordering of items from our uniform supplier.

Parking and drop-off/pick-up

Council officers have recently increased their presence in our area and have been talking with families about how to safely drop-off and pick up their children. They are now taking photos of families acting illegally and in some cases issuing fines. Please obey all street signage and local restrictions and ensure you do not set down or pick up your child / children on any yellow lines. More detailed information from Marion Council will be distributed to families next week to help ensure we keep our students safe and avoid any unnecessary stress or conflict.

Safety and security

We have now ironed out some teething issues with the securing of our school gates during the school day and after hours. Thank you for your feedback and understanding with this important action, which is all about keeping our students and school resources safe and secure.

Yours in partnership,

Josh Vick – Principal