Our Programs
Settlers Farm OSHC
One of the things we pride ourselves on at Settlers Farm OSHC is the fun-filled program that caters to the developmental needs of the children. Each day at OSHC there are different activities on offer for children to take part in that range from art and craft, to imaginative play, to cooking, to sport, to just hanging out with their friends. At OSHC children are constantly learning and developing cognitively through the play-based approach and social experiences.
The planning of the OSHC program is based around the My Time, Our Place Framework that has been developed as a national play-based curriculum for all services across Australia. This curriculum is used in a range of child care settings, from long day care to OSHC to family day care.
Each session at OSHC has a basic routine in place that provides children with some stability and structure. This routine allows for some structured time with their peers such as group time (an opportunity for staff to discuss any important information with children as a group and address any issues or concerns from the children) and then lots of opportunity for free choice play, which allows children to make their own decisions and choices.
The Before School Routine is as follows:
6:30AM: Quiet activities in OSHC building
7:00AM: Educators open up various areas, activities are set up children have free choice of play
7:00-8:00AM Breakfast is served
8:20AM: Children gather under the verandah for group time and a roll call
8:30AM Children are dismissed from OSHC. Reception, Year 1s and 2s are walked over to a teacher and kindy children are taken and assisted in settling into kindy for the day.
The After School Routine is as follows:
3:00PM: Children get signed in and wash their hands. They are then provided with afternoon tea.
Children then choose where they wish to spend their free play time. Children are also able to choose to partake in planned activities and games.
4:30PM: Fruit is served at OSHC.
4:45PM-5:30PM: Free play at OSHC, various areas remain open.
5:30PM-6PM: Quiet activity time at OSHC building.