Rapid action plan – emergency student pickup v3.1
In the event that a whole school emergency student pickup is required (eg. positive COVID-case response), the school will implement the following procedures for safe and orderly student collection.
- Parents/Carers will be notified by Seesaw, Skoolbag and email
- All students will return to their home classes
- All gates will be attended by designated support staff
- Keynes Avenue (crossing, Western Oval and canteen) and Urban Camp gates opened for access in/out of site
- Upon arrival, parents/carers report immediately to classrooms to pick up their child/ren
- Parents/carers (or designated person per parent/caregiver consent) must sign-out students with their class teacher before leaving grounds via the nearest exit point
We must have the current names and up to to date contact details of all parents/caregivers on our school system.
If you are not personally picking up your child/ren, you must use Seesaw to communicate consent with your child/ren’s class teacher/s to be collected by a third party. If no notification is received, students will remain on site until administration staff can contact parents/caregivers to confirm consent.
If your child usually returns home from school independently or is collected by someone other than a primary parent/caregiver listed on our system, parents/caregivers can provide advanced consent for this to occur during a whole school rapid emergency evacuation by completing contacting the office for a form.